2nd & 3rd September 2024


Tutor: Richard Pikesley PPNEAC

£300 (the price includes delicious home cooked lunches and refreshments throughout the day)
click here to book this workshop

'For the oil painter working in front of a subject, whether it's landscape or interior, it can sometimes be a struggle to simply get it all down before the light changes or the initial spark of excitement begins to fade. This two day course will look at practical strategies for painting quickly alongside the challenge and joy of understanding and responding to the energy inherent in the subject.'


Please note, unlike most of our workshops this workshop is not suitable for absolute beginners.
Book now!

Gift Vouchers Available

Richard has recently published a new book, 'Landscape Painting A Complete Guide' (pub. Crowood Press).

Biographical Details

Past President of The New English Art Club

1974      Elected member of New English Art Club
1973–74 University of London Institute of Education
1970–73 Canterbury College of Art, School of Fine Art
1969–70 Harrow School of Art